How to uninstall a BizTalk application

It can be handy as part of a BizTalk application deployment to remove an old or newer version there. This assumes you use the BTDF for deploying an application.

When you use BTDF, it installs the windows menu, a selectable option to un-deploy the application.

The script below simulates stopping the BizTalk application and then un-deploying the application from the server.

Note: Need to run all these in 32 bit PowerShell. Why?? This is due to BizTalk PowerShell requiring 32 bit to access its features correctly.

Because of this requirement, we need to wrap the script in a code block. More info about how to do that here.

The following assumptions are made in the script below:

  • There is a fixed installation path.

  • BizTalk 2016 is being used.

  • BizTalk is installed on either C or D drive.

param (
    [string] $ApplicationName,
    [string] $BiztalkSQlServer = ".",
    [string] $DeployDb,
    [string] $msBuildPath

# All functionality in this file is in the code block (a bit unusual, but needed so we can call it in 32 bit powershell)
$powershell32bitCode = {
param (
    [string] $ApplicationName,
    [string] $ApplicationVersion,
    [string] $BiztalkSQlServer = ".",
    [string] $DeployDb,
    [string] $msBuildPath

[System.Version]$compareVersion = $ApplicationVersion   

Write-Host "Checking current application '$ApplicationName' v$ApplicationVersion."
# search to see if there are any versions already installed on the target machine
$existingApps =  Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object DisplayName -like "$ApplicationName *" | select DisplayName, DisplayVersion

if ($existingApps -ne $null)
    Write-Host "Have found $ApplicationName already installed."
    foreach ($app in $existingApps)
        Write-Host "Checking existing: '$($app.DisplayName)'. Version: $($app.DisplayVersion)..."
        [System.Version]$version = $app.DisplayVersion
        if ($version -gt $compareVersion)
            Write-Host "Newer version of '$ApplicationName' have been detected. Attempting to undeploy."

            Write-Host "Loading BizTalk PowerShell..."
            # Load Biztalk PowerShell
            if ((Get-Module -Name "BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions") -eq $null) 
                Write-Host "Initialising BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions..." 
                $InitializeDefaultBTSDrive = $false
                # check the two locations that BizTalk 2016 could be installed
                if (Test-Path "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\SDK\Utilities\PowerShell\BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions.dll" -PathType Leaf)
                    $BizTalkPSDll = "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\SDK\Utilities\PowerShell\BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions.dll"
                    $BizTalkPSDll = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\SDK\Utilities\PowerShell\BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions.dll"
                Import-Module $BizTalkPSDll -DisableNameChecking

            # Ensure no drive exists already
            If (Test-Path BizTalk:)
                Remove-PSDrive -Name "BizTalk"

            # create the PS-Drive, get the application names and remove the ps drive
            # PsDrive Name cannot contain special chars like dot. Root must begin with Name. Using generic Name of "BizTalk"
            $output = New-PSDrive -Name "BizTalk" -PSProvider BizTalk -Root "BizTalk:\" -Instance $BiztalkSQlServer -Database BizTalkMgmtDb -Scope Global

            if ($output -eq $null)
                Write-Error "Unable to create the PS Drive to query the Biztalk environment. Check permissions and networks to ensure you have access from this PC to $BiztalkSQlServer ." -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Host "Searching for BizTalk application $ApplicationName..."
            $app = Get-ChildItem -Path 'BizTalk:\Applications' | Where-Object Name -eq $ApplicationName
            # Stop the application
            if ($app -eq $null) 
                Write-Error "Unable to find a BizTalk applications with name '$ApplicationName'. Check the configuration and try again." -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($app.Status -ne "Stopped")
                Write-Host "Stopping $ApplicationName app..."
                $app | Stop-Application -StopOption StopAll 
                Write-Host "BizTalk application $ApplicationName is already stopped."

            # uninstall the application
            $appInstallPath =  "C:\Program Files (x86)\$ApplicationName for BizTalk\1.0"

            if ((Test-Path $appInstallPath -PathType Container) -eq $false)
                Write-Error "Unable to find folder $appInstallPath to uninstall the application." -ErrorAction Stop

            $projFile = Join-Path -Path $appInstallPath  -ChildPath "\Deployment\Deployment.btdfproj"
            $undeployArgs = @("`"$projFile`"", "/p:DeployBizTalkMgmtDB=$DeployDb;Configuration=Server;InstallDir=`"$appInstallPath`"", "/target:Undeploy")

            Write-Host "For undeployment running: $msBuildPath $undeployArgs"
            & $msBuildPath $undeployArgs

            # uninstall the application from the control panel
            $uninstallString = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object DisplayName -eq "$ApplicationName for BizTalk" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UninstallString
            if ($uninstallString -eq $null)
                Write-Error "Unable to find the Application $ApplicatioName in the Control Panel Add/Remove programs..." -ErrorAction Stop
            $uninstallCode = ($uninstallString -split ' ')[1]
            $args = @($uninstallCode, "/quiet")

            & "msiexec.exe" $args
            Write-Host "Uninstall of $ApplicationName complete."
            Write-Host "No later versions of '$ApplicationName' have been detected. Continuing the installation."
    Write-Host "No previous installations of '$ApplicationName' have been detected. Continuing the installation."

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# It will run all the code above in a PowerShell 32 bit session. This is required for the Biztalk PowerShell
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $powershell32bitCode -ArgumentList @($ApplicationName, $ApplicationVersion, $BiztalkSQlServer, $DeployDb, $msBuildPath) -ConfigurationName microsoft.powershell32 -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME

Last updated