How to configure HTTPS endpoints in WebAPI services

There are three areas that need to be modified.

(this assumes you use the standard service template code)

Service Manifest

Define the Protocol to be https. You also might want to change the port as well. I have set it to the security default of 443.

      <Endpoint Protocol="https" Name="ServiceEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="443" />

Application Manifest

In the ApplicationManifest xml, the certificate needs to be referenced in the <Certificates> section at the bottom.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When replacing the cert thumbnail for the X509FindValue take extra care when copying it from the MMC Certificates properties window. You will most likely include a hidden character at the start of the thumbnail.

Next ensure in the <Policies> section, you mention which certificate is linked to which service.

Ensure the EndPointRef matches up with the Endpoint name in the ServiceManifest.xml

    <ServiceManifestRef ServiceManifestName="TestServicePkg" ServiceManifestVersion="1.0.0" />
    <ConfigOverrides />
      <EndpointBindingPolicy CertificateRef="TestServiceCert" EndpointRef="ServiceEndpoint"/>
    <Service Name="TestService">
      <StatelessService ServiceTypeName="TestServiceType" InstanceCount="[TestService_InstanceCount]">
        <SingletonPartition />
    <EndpointCertificate Name="TestServiceCert" X509FindValue="FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F0" X509StoreName="MY" />

So far, this matches us with the instructions Microsoft have documented here, but it seems one additional step is required..

Update OwinCommunicationListener.cs

If you are using the WebAPI Service Template, a OwinCommunicationListener.cs file is generated. This is useful but it is hard coded to be http.

The OpenAsync method should be updated to the following:

public Task<string> OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var serviceEndpoint = this.serviceContext.CodePackageActivationContext.GetEndpoint(this.endpointName);
    int port = serviceEndpoint.Port;
    var protocol = serviceEndpoint.Protocol; // <- UPDATED

    if (this.serviceContext is StatefulServiceContext)
        StatefulServiceContext statefulServiceContext = this.serviceContext as StatefulServiceContext;

        this.listeningAddress = string.Format(
            "{0}://+:{1}/{2}{3}/{4}/{5}", // <- UPDATED
            protocol,                     // <- UPDATED
                ? string.Empty
                : this.appRoot.TrimEnd('/') + '/',
    else if (this.serviceContext is StatelessServiceContext)

        this.listeningAddress = string.Format(
            "{0}://+:{1}/{2}",      // <- UPDATED
            protocol,               // <- UPDATED
                ? string.Empty
                : this.appRoot.TrimEnd('/') + '/');
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

Now when your service is deployed, the https endpoint should work as expected.

Last updated